Summer Solstice Celebration

Summer Solstice Celebration

There are a spectrum of gorgeous and nourishing herbs and flowers that are a’bloom around the Summer Solstice. Learn a bit more about the Summer Solstice, and create a ritual of celebration that includes a blessing, fire, and sacramental eating! Attuning to these seasonal shifts is a meaningful way to continue your rewilding journey.

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The Labyrinth: Stepping into the Sacred Path

The Labyrinth: Stepping into the Sacred Path

A powerful symbol, labyrinths are usually in the form of a circle with a meandering but purposeful path, from the edge to the center and back out again, large enough to be walked into. Each labyrinth is unicursal, that is to say it has only one path (whereas a maze is multicursal-they offer a choice of paths, some with many entrances and exits), and once we choose to enter it, the path becomes a metaphor for our journey through life, sending us to the center of the labyrinth and back out to the edges via the same path. In this way, it becomes a microcosm of a pilgrimage or a sacred journey.

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