Extended Grace

Waymarkers Friends, My writings and musings have been quieter this summer.  What with my children home from school and a deep-belly sense that our family is in a time of transition,  I intentionally drew a boundary line around ourselves that would require me to stay present to them.  It is far too easy for me to live in my head where words and phrases are lined up in a beautiful order, out of reach of honey-sticky hands and air-borne balls, and not fully see or hear what they are needing me to watch (for the hundredth time) or say (do I really need to repeat the answer to that "why?" AGAIN?!).  I needed to call myself out of my writing reveries to be available for spontaneous fun and play, of which we have had a summer full!

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You are invited: Pentecost Pilgrimage 2013-Iona, Scotland

You are invited: Pentecost Pilgrimage 2013-Iona, Scotland

You are invited to participate in this transformative journey to Iona, Scotland for Pentecost 2013.  Allow the winds of the Spirit to breath new life into you and inspire your way forward!

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